GreenCo Group of Companies is an innovative enterprise that provides comprehensive European-level services for waste collection, transportation and disposal. The company's work is aimed at reducing the harmful effects of waste on the environment. Our strategy is aimed at introducing the latest world technologies for waste management.
The GreenCo group of companies was founded in 2003. The project became the first program in Ukraine to form a new culture of waste management, which combined their transportation, sorting with subsequent supply of useful components to the market of secondary raw materials and safe disposal of non-recyclable residues. GreenCo can rightly say that it lays a solid foundation for the implementation of European solid waste management experience on a national scale.
In 2017, the company was restructured due to the requirements of the time and the latest global trends in the waste market. The changes affected the structure, business processes, strategies for further development of the company.
We consider our main goals to be the formation of a modern culture of waste management, the implementation in Ukraine of any new global approaches, methods and technologies in the field of waste removal, disposal and recycling.
GreenCo Mission - "Let's make Ukraine clean!"
and get FAVORABLE terms of cooperation
European experience in waste management